Made possible by funds generously provided by Developmental Pathways.
One of the primary challenges that STAR Institute families report is that their child doesn’t know how to socialize or engage. Studies show that some of the most important skills for later success are based on social capacities. Elements like cooperation, self-control, confidence, independence, and communication are key to social and life success. The BRIDGE Program was created to help address these areas of challenge. This program was created as a success model in learning to develop skills in increasingly larger group formats. STAR Institute occupational therapist, Vincentia Ferrari, MOT, OTR/L and speech and language pathologist, Carrie Dishlip, MS, SLP-CCC, guide you through the creation of similar, evidence-based groups in your own setting using the framework of A SECRET by Dr. Lucy Jane Miller and Doreit Bialer. Suggested curriculum topics, how to assign roles, how to group clients, how to include parent education for carryover, and other important considerations are included.
Level: Introductory
Intended Audience: Professionals, teachers working with families living with disordered sensory processing
Carrie Dishlip, CCC-SLP. Carrie received her Master of Science degree in Speech Language Pathology from The University of Arizona in 2004. Prior to joining STAR Institute, Carrie worked in Southern California and practiced in several different pediatric settings including a multidisciplinary SPD clinic, public schools, a hospital-based mental health treatment program, and private practice clinics. She served as an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) specialist and has experience developing and running social skills programs. Carrie has taken the University of Southern California Advanced Training in Sensory Integrative Dysfunction and is PROMPT trained and Hanen Certified. She has led professional and parent workshops on social skills and AAC and has run the Hanen It Takes Two to Talk® and PROMPT PARENT/CAREGIVER® workshops. Carrie loves the outdoors and is excited for all the adventures Colorado has to offer.
Vincentia Ferrari, MOT, OTR/L. Vincentia graduated from West Virginia University in 2007, with
a Bachelor’s degree in Human Health & Performance, & a Master’s Degree
in Occupational Therapy. She has extensive training in Sensory Processing
Disorder treatment including Level 1 Mentorship program with the Star Institute.
Vincentia has also received continued education training in iLs, treating
Central Auditory Processing Disorders, SOS feeding approach, NDT approach,
licensed Level 2 Therapist in Hippotherapy, & Handwriting Without Tears.
Before joining the STAR team, she worked in outpatient pediatric clinics and
contracted through a local school system as well as working in early
intervention services through her home state of WV. She presented trainings
about Sensory treatment and strategies which included setting up and directing
a sensory modality classroom to the school staff. She has used the treatment of
hippotherapy and animal-assisted therapy in and outside of the clinic settings.
Her dog, Harley, is part of their Pet Partner team.
- Define the acronym of A SECRET and what each letter stands for in relation to building social capacities
- Develop an incremental exposure model for social skills groups and explain why this model is needed
- Apply A SECRET strategies to social skills groups for increased effectiveness and success
- Summarize the importance of active parent education in this group model and role it plays in children’s success
a. Attentionb. Speech and Sensoryc. Emotion Regulationd. Culturee. Relationshipf. Environmentg. Topics – additional resources provided
i. Personal Spaceii. Body in the groupiii. Body talkiv. Using your eyesv. Emotionsvi. Turn Takingvii. Tradingviii. Sharing Ideasix. Playing Gamesx. Sportsmanship
.5 Professional Contact Hour (.05 AOTA CEU) are awarded for completion of this program.

Presenter Disclosures:
Vincentia Ferrari:
Financial – Vincentia Ferrari is an employee of STAR Institute for Sensory Processing, and developed the treatment approach referenced and collaborated on the development of this course within her salaried hours.
Nonfinancial – No relevant relationships to disclose.
Carrie Dishlip:
Financial – Carrie Dishlip is an employee of STAR Institute for Sensory Processing, who participated in the treatment approach referenced and collaborated on the development of this course within her salaried hours.
Nonfinancial – No relevant relationships to disclose.
Sponsor Disclosure:
This Course is presented by STAR Institute for Sensory Processing and was funded by a grant through Developmental Pathways.