STAR Institute has profoundly influenced the way in which clinicians understand the complexities of our clients and the clinical reasoning that supports intervention. Kim's keynote will neurobiologically and theoretically support the integration of knowledge from a dynamic systems view, "putting the pieces together." Sensory processing intervention and regulation contribute significantly to motor development and motor performance. Like spokes on a bicycle wheel, this session will provide an al a carte menu of options for integrated intervention.
Presented at the 22nd International Symposium in Bethesda, MD
Presented live and recorded November
The views expressed in the following presentation are those of
the presenter and do not necessarily reflect those of STAR Institute.
Level: Intermediate
Length: 2 1/2 hours
Timeframe for access: Once you first choose to "Launch" this course, you will have 45 days to access the content as often as you like. Your 45-day window for access will not begin until you first click the "Launch" button.
Learning Objectives:
- Explain the neurobiological connections between sensation and movement.
- Develop clinical reasoning to support the selection of interventions in a systematic fashion to address motor control challenges
- View motor control from a holistic perspective
- Develop a repertoire of intervention options to support motor development and motor performance
Kim Barthel is an International Speaker, Instructor, Clinician and Author from Canada. Kim is an advanced Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT) instructor, a teacher of Sensory Integration, Trauma and Attachment theory. An Occupational Therapist with 35+ years’ experience working around the globe. Owner of her own company, Relationship Matters, Kim trains Professionals and Parents the world over. Kim's special interests include complex behavior, neurobiology, motor control, attachment theory, trauma and mental health. Kim's mission is to support the conscious evolution of the human spirit.
Continuing Education:
STAR Institute is an AOTA Approved Provider of continuing education. The assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.

2.5 Professional Contact Hours (.25 AOTA CEUs) are
awarded for full completion of this program.
Course Completion Requirements:
Upon full completion of the course video, participants must complete and pass a quiz with at least 80% accuracy to receive a certificate of completion.
The views expressed in the following presentation are those of the presenter and do not necessarily reflect those of STAR Institute.